Monday, 9 January 2012

New Year, New Start

Happy new year all!
I know its been such a long time since ive put anything on here but i think now its a good time to start over again.

So im gona go for a different feel to my page now and introduce you to myself rather than just sticking to my alter ego.
I do enjpy being Cyclopse Zigzag but i love being myslef more!!
My real name is Neal.

As its the new year i was thinkig about the year just gone and what the year ahead will bring. I believe you should never wait for things to happen or to come to you. You should make them happen! Nobody else but you can do it. Last year i achieved a few things i had set out to do, but this year i want to set myslef goals and acheive them all. My number 1 thing this year is to get fit. I started last year but due to certains things i didnt continue with it, and i was really gutted that i couldnt do it.  February 1st  this year i will start exercise and change my diet. and i WILL do it.
Every year i make myself a mood board. Some people call them dream boards but i dont like to call it that because it implies all the things you put on it are just a dream, and in that case wont happen, they are just dreams. You guys call it whatever you want. Goal board, achievment board, whatever but mood board works for me. My mood board this year is all about getting fit. There is no more room on it, its purely fitness. Every morning i get up, its the first thing i see. It reminds me what my goal is, and helps me keep foucused. Its hard to stay focused on things thses days with work, and other things goin on around you. You might say to yourself, im going to save up and buy that car i want. Then you get busy with life and forget about it and spend money  on pointless things which you could save for that car. Its just a thought that pops into your head now and then and makes you think 'oh yeah, i must save for that car at some point'. You know what will happen??? you wont get the car, and you wont save. If you put a picture of the car you want on your board and place it where you will see it every day, it will remind you thats what you want and it makes you happy, and your more likely to get it because its staring you in the face every day when you get up, reminding you that this is your goal for the year.
How many of us set ourselves resoloutions every year and never achieve what we set out to do. Its gets to the end of the year and you probably cant remember what they even  were.
Another thing ive learnt to help me achieve my aims is to use a rule called the 'Help or Hurt' rule. You use this rule before you make a decision about somthing when it comes to your goal. For instance, going back to saving up for a car. If you were walking through a shopping centre and you saw somthing in the window of a shop that caught your eye and you thought you want to buy it, you shoud use the 'Hurt or Help' rule. Will buying this item HELP me get to my goal quicker (i.e  getting my new car) or will it HURT me (i.e make you have to wait longer because you could save that money instead)
I hope that makes sence lol.
It got me thinking about other peoples New Year resoloutions. Id like to know what other goals people have set themselves for this year. So feel free to  comment or send me a message on my facebook. Would love to hear from you guys :)
N x

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